28 March 2009


Flowers appear on the earth;
the season of singing has come.

- Song of Songs 2:12

24 March 2009

bitter, yes, i am bitter

Venezuela Bitter.

It's the name of this chocolate product (dark chocolate squares). I love the sound of it!

20 March 2009

down, down we go

During these uncertain economic times, our sense of humor may be the only thing that sustains us. Add to this fact an opportunity to stimulate the depressing economy by spending money, a whopping $28 for a handkerchief!

Every AIG bonus recipient should be required to buy one of these.

19 March 2009

come on in

Nobody cleaned the house for me while I was sick (such social injustice!), so today I am in my sweats scrubbing the bathroom sinks and cleaning the kitchen floor. And it's such a gorgeous day today, it's a shame not to be outside. Oh well.

At least I can leave the door and the windows open, to invite spring inside and encourage friends to stop by, thereby providing me an excuse to take a break from house cleaning. Earl Grey, anyone (me)?

17 March 2009

star light star bright

The first star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the wish I wish tonight.

15 March 2009

with all the frills upon it

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, or so it seems to me now, I was a struggling student living in Hawaii (well, if one's going to struggle, why not do it in Hawaii, right?). I had no money, but every year, I managed to buy a new hat for Easter.

There was this shop in a mall near where I lived that sold cheap clothes. No, not inexpensive, but cheap, as in "low price = poor quality". But this shop had fabulous hats -- cute hats, crazy hats, all for $15 or less. I couldn't buy a dress, even from this shop, but I could afford a hat there. So I bought one every Easter.

I don't do that any more, mainly because I don't get dressed up for Easter any more. How sad.

Perhaps I should go and buy a new hat this year. So someone could write a sonnet about my Easter bonnet.

08 March 2009

go fly a kite

Me and E flying a kite at Sandy Beach Park, on Eastern Shore on Oahu, Hawaii (January 2005) .

Since I'm in this photo, M must have taken it. It shows the kind of moment that I'm always trying to capture -- candid, warm, and one that tells a story.

I love it.

02 March 2009

the greatest gift

Money can't buy it.

It can't be kept.

But it lasts forever.