The expression I've heard goes something like this: "Coffee turns your eyes outward; tea makes you look inward."
This is a Japanese saying, so perhaps this is specifically about green tea and not just any teas. In any case, I take this to mean that while coffee stimulates, tea calms down.
I got this special Japanese green tea from Cha Yuan. It is of very high quality; in fact, it's a much nicer tea than I'm used to drinking. It was definitely a splurge.
Of course, brewing and drinking tea should be a calming and luxurious experience even if it's not a really expensive tea. That's why I like my tea in the afternoon when I'm home alone. I don't want to be rushed. I don't even want to be interrupted.
Each and every sip should be like consuming the essence of peace. Inhale, and look inward. Now that E is in school, I can do that more often.