This Christmas came and went so fast, it was blurry.
Our trip out to the Pacific Northwest was canceled due to the weather, and there were more than a few very, very disappointed souls here as well as over there. It would have been our last trip up that way before our move. Mom was so disappointed that she has already decided to come down during spring. I am glad that she doesn't mind travelling (because I do!).
We did get up fairly early this morning and exchanged gifts. That was nice -- just the three of us, very relaxed and laid-back, with coffee mugs in our hands, the Christmas tree lights on and the fire going in the fireplace. Then we stayed in our pajamas and I finished reading Twilight (my homework from P) while E put together his new Lego project. M went running. Brrrrr.
I really do enjoy my little family. We are all healthy, together (at least for the time being), and appreciate each other very much. We got to spend time by ourselves -- that probably was the greatest, albeit unexpected, gift this year.
Merry Christmas, pumpkins.
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