22 April 2009

our spring-break trip, reader's digest version

Went. Visited. Came home.

I'd like to go back some day and take time to walk around.


Anonymous said...

You came to town and didn't call! Oh well, I have still enjoyed spending a few minutes on your blog. Have a beautiful day!


cocopuff1212 said...

EGAD!!! I got found out!!!

I'm very, very, sorry and also very embarrassed. First of all, I forgot to bring your phone number with me. Then, when I actually had a chance to drive by the neighborhood, I hesitated and then decided not to knock on your door (because I was embarrassed to tell you that I forgot your number). My MIL was also in town at the same time and we had a crazy schedule. I know, I know.... I'm embarrassed.

Will you forgive me????